Thank you for contacting
Johns Hopkins Hospital about the possibility of being an organ donor.
You are the only
person who can decide whether living donation is right for you. No one can
make the decision to donate for you and no one should pressure you!
be a living donor, you must:
Be an adult (over age
18) able to make an informed decision
ü Be
in good physical and mental health
ü Understand the risks and benefits of living donation
Decide for yourself whether
living donation is right for you
Overview of Donor Evaluation:
living donor advocate (ILDA)- to discuss decision
making, voluntariness and
understanding of donation
tests- gives information about your health and whether you are medically
compatible with a transplant recipient
Heart and
lung tests- make sure your heart and lungs are healthy enough for you to be
a donor
Tests of
the organ to be donated- to be sure your organ is healthy enough to donate
and safe for you to donate
Health tests- again, ensuring you are healthy enough to be a donor
• Psychosocial Evaluation- to discuss reasons for wanting to be a donor and if you have the support in place to handle emotional, financial and physical stress of surgery
You have an independent
living donor advocate (ILDA) to protect you. Their job is not to think about what your intended transplant recipients needs or make
transplants happen. The ILDA will:
you and your best interests.
your rights, such as making sure you have the time and information you need to
decide whether donating is right for you.
Make sure you have information about the risks
and benefits of living donation.
Help you walk
away if you decide living donation is
not right for you.
If you have fears,
concerns, or second thoughts, your ILDA wants to know.
Sharing your thoughts is the best way to support you and help you decide what
is right for you. The ILDA will not share your medical or other information
with your intended transplant recipient.
The ILDA for Kidney donation is Alana Williams and you may
reach her at 410-955-1771.
In order to start the evaluation process, you must:
Feel no pressure from anyone to donate
Know you may decide not to donate at any time
Are not motivated by a promise of money or
anything of value